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3 Big Benefits of Data and Analytics for Positive Business Outcomes

“Data” The most spoken term of this era is been evolving with mankind with the evolution of technology. From office files to computer storage to many other formats. Now it comes to clouds!

Thinking back, information that includes when a person wakes up, what they had for dinner, and what place they visited on vacation seems strange, to say the least. Clients need more from the companies, and their needs will only continue to increase. This post will show you how companies can include data analytics and achieve amazing results while preserving their data at the highest security level.

What is Data Analytics? – The Quick Introduction

Data Analytics is a technical process of identifying insights, trends and conclusions via the excavation of raw data. Now it has emerged as the indeed need for the organizations to take crucial business decisions.

Top data analytics tools

Here, let’s have a look at the best analytics tools

Programming Languages: R and Python

These two languages are widely used in data analytics. R is primarily used for statistics and python is an interpreted language. Global companies like google, Firefox are using R as well as YouTube, Netflix are using python. These languages operate at high speed and accuracy so obviously, top companies stick with it.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel helps in figuring out the data and it’s the most popular data analytics tool. Features such as sharing workbooks and real-time collaboration are innovative features.


The Business intelligence tool helps to analyze and visualize content. The best thing about Tableau is it lets you work with live data. It is free software and top companies like Skype, Deloitte and Audi are using it.


This tool is exclusively used for data processing and machine learning. Brands like BMW and Sanofi rely on it. This tool provides high transparency.


It is built on GUI based workflow which is an open-source free tool. It offers two software KNIME Analytics platform, KNIME Server and it has some popular users such as siemens, Telekom, etc.,

Power BI

Power BI is powered by Microsoft that holds business intelligence feature as well as interactive visualizations. It acts as an all in all platform to analyze, connect and protect data.

Apache Spark

This is used in real-time processing and widely used in identifying faults. Oracle is using this tool.


It is a dominantly used for Data Visualization and Data Analytics tool that holds features like Data integration and Data literacy.

Features To be checked out in Data Analytics tools

User-friendly dashboards: Interactive dashboards with easy navigate data analysis process for smart decision-making. graphical visualizations, custom formulas are also important to consider in dashboards.

Data Sharing: It needs to be designed in a way that the organizational members can interact and access the data

Integration facility: Data Analytical tool needs to be integrated with other applications and systems. one can integrate bot and voice assistant for better collaboration.

KPI Indication: The tool should allow the user to indicate key performance indicators which will be based upon the programmed calculations that reveal the performance status.

Data Selection: The data selection should be provided with pivot table and other things like KPI so that the user can access it in the future.

What Can You Do with Data Analytics?

Organizations are subjected to pressure from competitors to boost business but at the same time comprehend their customers’ needs to give them better experience and maintain a steady relationship. Clients demand that firms know who they are, tend to their needs, and give a satisfying experience throughout every step. This is carried out after data has been provided. As a result, businesses must collect and verify different client variables, like phone numbers, emails, and addresses, into one user profile.

As a business person, you can do the following things with data analytics

Strategic Planning:

Planning is the basic foundation for any business to run a long way. With precise and perfect conclusions and insights driven from data analytics you can prepare an accurate strategic plan for your business.

Accurate Marketing:

Data Analytics helps you to know your audience deeply, it gives you a clear view about their needs. Through predictive analysis, organizations can reduce their financial losses and can focus more on customer-based experiences.

Decision making:

Through Data Analytics you can craft your campaigns more personalized, which also helps out in improved decision making for your business. For instance, if your organization makes many kinds of changes in the features and specifications of the product, you can measure the success percentage of the modified product as well as the user behavior with data analytics. Then, you can come up with a crystal-clear decision about the future products.

Data Collection:

When it comes to data collection, we need to look at various factors such as an organization’s prime business model, target audience, etc., based upon the needs the data can be collected from social media profile details to highly advanced GPS and RFID

Effective Data Usage:

The intent behind acquiring data is very important. With correct data the organization can hire sufficient resources for their betterment.

Data Presentation:

The way the data is presented helps a lot to understand and extract information. Some tools let businesses visualize the data in chart or graph formats.

Spot out insights:

Spotting out insights is the well-known thing with data analytics, with the obtain insights, the organizations should take necessary steps to improvise the enhancement of customer and market needs.

Also Read: Detailed Comparison – Google Vs AWS Vs Azure

Benefits Of Data Analytics

#1 Personalized Customer based Customization

Every human is different and so is every customer. With Data analytics, companies can make a highly personalized list of data obtained from multiple channels like retailers, social media, e-commerce websites, etc., Behavior analytics model helps organizations to dig deep with customers and their behaviors’.

Businesses are still battling with data structure, and they must be particularly responsive to deal with different kinds of customers. Advanced analytics is the savior in such scenarios as you can deal with each customer individually and cater to their needs. This data service allows for encounters tailored to the user’s personality by knowing their opinions and considering aspects like the real-time area to assist them.

Appropriate gathering of data from other sources in which people share their feelings and views, coupled with data analysis, will allow businesses to stay ahead of their competitors. They will know exactly what the people need and will be able to provide that before anybody could anticipate it.

So, what’s more, know your customer, grow your business!

#2 Risk and Fraud Mitigation

Many businesses nowadays are subjected to data security threats. Data Analytics would be the perfect tool in analyzing the reasons for data breaches in the past. With this the organization can recognize the vulnerabilities and rectify them, add some kinds of actions like abnormal access, DDos attack can be prevented in the future.

Whether internal or external, threats can put an individual’s as well as company’s financial and intangible assets in danger. Therefore, fraud detection analysis is important. Prevention means that organizations will be able to identify possible fraudulent activities, forecast any forthcoming behavior, and trace the individuals responsible for such behavior.

Data Analytics helps organizations to identify and understand the risks at its core and let them take preventive measures. Entreprises can use automatic recommendations for statistical models and also help to come out from the setbacks.

#3 Streamlined Operations

Each and every step in the operations will be perfectly streamlined with data analytics. No matter what kind of business you do, you can be an owner of e-commerce or a service provider or a retailer, all your operations will be streamlined. For example, In the supply chain, one can find out at which department the bottle neck occurs and will have necessary actions out of it.

And in retail business, one can determine the supply quantity with factors like seasonality, holidays, demand, market need and make the best out of it.

Excited with the perks of Digital Analytics?

Need help understanding all of this? Let ContinuumInnovations take care  for you. We provide spot less Data Analytical Services

No matter what your business is, we will show you the right path with getting started with digital analytics!

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