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Does My Business Need AWS Cloud Services?

Considered one of the most cutting-edge and power-packed cloud computing platforms, Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a force to be reckoned with. Today, it’s being touted as the crème de la crème of cloud computing. If you’re unsure whether your business needs AWS cloud services, use this guide to make an informed decision.

1. Are You Looking to Increase Security Across the Board?

AWS is known for its incredible security. Amazon’s data centers assiduously protect the safety and integrity of data by enforcing meticulous and comprehensive security measures—both physical and operational.

In fact, they also conduct daily audits for stronger infrastructural security. As you benefit from the unlimited server capacity, flexibility, scalability, and versatility of AWS, you’ll also manage to increase security across the board.

2. Do You Want to Maximize Your Company’s Savings?

AWS cloud services are extremely cost-effective. Instead of paying for a package that includes services that you don’t require, you can easily pay for the services you need.

Upon account creation, you’ll also gain access to 60+ AWS services that are absolutely free. As the savings accumulate, you’ll wonder why it took you so long to make the switch.

3.Are You Looking for Greater Adaptability?

When moving to a new system, smooth and seamless adjustment isn’t a given. It often takes IT teams weeks and months to acclimatize to a new cloud environment. AWS has an extremely user-friendly interface that provides easy and hassle-free access to a plethora of applications and services.

While we strongly recommend letting experienced IT professionals manage the system, you can rest assured knowing the system can also be managed by people who aren’t proficient in tech.

The AWS website is also replete with information ranging from instructional videos to documentation. If you need help at any point, you can easily gain access to a comprehensive database of resources.

Ready to get started? We can help! At Continuum Innovations, we offer expert AWS cloud services, including AWS consulting, AWS managed services, and AWS media services, among others. Click here to browse through our cutting-edge cloud computing solutions to find the specific services your business requires.

When you’re ready, fill out our short form and our experts will get in touch with you shortly. By putting your company’s unique needs and goals first, we create and implement solutions for long-term business growth, continuity, and innovation.