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Data Security Threats That Can Impact Your Company

Data security is a big part of safeguarding your organization’s functions and help keep you competitive in the market. Data breaches can lead to loss of intellectual property, and take away any edge you might have over your competitors. Today, we will discuss the biggest threats to your data, and how cloud services can help keep you safe.

Accidental File Sharing

One of the biggest threats to data security has to be human error and accidents caused by employees. A shockingly high number of data breaches that negatively affect companies happens due to accidental file sharing. A recent study concluded that most senior executives in corporations and small businesses believe that over 40% of their total data breaches occur due to negligence and accidents by employees.

Another study concluded that 96% of Americans see employee negligence as a contributing factor to at least minor breaches of data. While human error may not be completely removable, companies are struggling to prevent data leaks through accidents.

Employee Data theft

Continuing down the path are employees who lead to breaches of data, not because of accidents but rather due to malicious intent. A recent workplace study reported that 57% of data breaches include the involvement of a current employee, with over 61% of them holding positions in companies below managerial levels.

This means that employee theft is a bigger threat to a company’s data than cyber attacks or hackers. It also means that employees can steal data without needing to be in higher-up positions. Actively curtailing non-accidental data breaches caused by employees is an important security threat to address.

Loose Data Access

Data is the cornerstone for most businesses in the 21st century. Trade secrets and work processes are what give a company an edge over another. Being able to protect the data is an important part of staying relevant in the business. Having an eco-system in place that allows users varying levels of access is necessary for preventing the previously mentioned sorts of data breaches. Loose control on data disbursing can lead to increased accidents and theft across companies.

If you’re looking to upgrade your data security, we’d highly recommend moving towards cloud services for data storage and minimizing data threats received. Continuum Innovations are a cloud service provider in Princeton that can help you set up cloud computing and offer cloud migration services. Contact our team to get started on better securing your data.