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The Impact of Machine Learning on the Corporate World

The Impact of Machine Learning on the Corporate World

The 4th industrial revolution has opened up the way for automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning processes to optimize business practices and automate decision-making. The impact of machine learning on corporations is very similar to the last industrial revolution, which introduced computers. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are currently the biggest disruptors in the industry and are expected to lead the way to the next revolution of human-machine interactions.

Today, we look at the benefits of machine learning and related services provided to current-day corporations, like data lake designing and cloud services.

ROIs on Marketing

One of the biggest pain points for marketing departments in a consumer goods corporation is calculating and accurately reporting returns-on-investments or ROIs. Marketing departments can now use machine learning and A.I. to measure marketing efforts and brand exposure, which was previously thought to be both extremely necessary but hard to quantify.

For example, advances in image recognition could help quantify the impact of placing company logos in televised events or movies. Machine learning allows us to get detailed analyses of how successful certain brand placements can be.

Improved Customer Services

For any organization directly dealing with customers, machine learning can automate all customer services. This change simultaneously saves money and improves customer relations significantly. A recent survey showed that over 44% of Americans prefer chatbots to real humans on the other side of the screen.

With machine learning capabilities, chatbots can quickly learn the steps necessary for various customer complaints and inquiries. Customer support representatives may still be required to deal with some exceptional cases, but AI can pick up on how those cases need to be handled.

Smart Hiring

Machine learning can even be applied to extremely human-centric departments, like HR. The hiring process can be expedited with the help of AI software which can quickly sift through thousands of applications to shortlist candidates most likely to be successful at the organization. AI also detects human biases in job descriptions to avoid perpetuating those biases into machine learning programs.

Making the switch towards machine learning is a logical step for any company in the 21st century. Cloud migration services help make this move much easier. If you require cloud migration consultation in Princeton, reach out to our team at Continuum Innovations and get started with AWS cloud services.