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Accessing the Role of Cloud Computing During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic hurled the world into a complete transformation overnight. And while it was devastating for most industries across the board, it has been a bit of a rave in the cloud computing sphere.

To adapt to the new normal, organizations gravitated toward digital transformations like never before. Several small and large-scale businesses adopted cloud computing to manage day-to-day operations to stay afloat during the pandemic.

Who Exactly Rushed Toward Cloud Computing?

The short answer is everybody. This healthcare crisis meant that the world could no longer operate in the physical sphere, so naturally, everything had to be shifted to a virtual space, i.e., cloud.

From businesses requiring better agility to those who have had to accelerate and expand their operations, such as the e-commerce industry, seamless cloud adoption was the only reasonable choice.

Online classrooms and work-from-home options were also largely possible due to cloud adoption. In fact, most businesses and educational institutions have embraced cloud solutions for survival during this time.

In fact, even the public sector has seen a subtle shift toward cloud adoption as governments are faced with a renewed pressure to provide faster and better services to the public in these challenging times.

Is the Accelerated Demand A Problem for Cloud Service Providers?

The past year and a half have shown us that while there are challenges faced by even the leading cloud service providers, such as increased compliance and security concerns, for the most part, they have managed to overcome these challenges.

It’s also worth noting that besides remote work, there are also large-scale remote events happening across the board, which significantly increase the stress on operational support. So technically, any cloud tools and services not stress-tested before are in for a tumultuous ride.

But that being said, cloud computing is essentially designed to provide scalability and handle demand surges, so most providers do have the capacity to offer seamless services regardless of the fluctuation in demand.

How Have Businesses Fared with the Cloud Adoption

Cloud adoption has not been easy for a lot of businesses. It does have its fair share of challenges, like hiring skilled talent, for instance. Going digital means you need a workforce that can adapt to the digital changes.

In fact, cloud migration itself is a huge deal that requires strategic planning and skill, which explains why a lot of businesses have opted for professional cloud migration services like the ones we offer to our clients in Princeton.

The pandemic is stressful as is, you don’t need to make it worse on yourself. By choosing a reliable cloud service provider, you can essentially shift the technical burden on experts while you take care of your business’s core operations.

You can call us at +1 540 999 8758 to learn more. We also offer AWS-managed cloud services in Princeton.