
AWS Migration: The Challenges, the Solutions, and How a Cloud Computing Consultant Can Assist You

The digital revolution has turned the tables and steered power into the hands of customers’. As a result, there is a growing demand for an in-depth understanding of client behavior. Furthermore, there’s a need for a comprehensive system that houses and organizes data, allowing it to be channeled in the most efficient manner possible. This demand gave rise to the cloud.

Cloud services offer businesses a cost-effective platform to manage multiple systems on one platform. Amongst various cloud service providers, one prevails; the AWS Cloud.

AWS Cloud has been offering scalable, reliable, and efficient cloud services to companies and businesses. If your organization or business is considering an AWS migration, you’ll probably face a couple of challenges. Here are the challenges and solutions to your AWS Migration.

Moving On-Premise Data and Managing Storage on AWS Cloud

How do you start with a mission as complex as data transfers? For an organization that isn’t familiar with AWS cloud, this might seem like a challenging job. After all, we’re talking about moving huge amounts of on-premise data to the cloud.


Your organization can overcome this challenge by availing AWS solutions. AWS offers solutions such as direct connect which ensures robust connections between on-premise infrastructure and a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Moreover, this can help coordinate your organization’s operations and build a central visibility point.

Another helpful service would be Amazon CloudWatch. Amazon CloudWatch diminishes the migration’s impact on User Experience (UX). It can help you scrutinize performance problems in real-time and eradicate those issues.

Migration of Legacy Systems to AWS

Legacy systems are significant for business operations. Migrating legacy systems to AWS is one of the significant challenges organizations and businesses face.


A simple solution to tackle this challenge would be by making use of Hybrid Cloud. Hybrid cloud combines public and private cloud and on-premises infrastructure to develop a unified infrastructure. Therefore, the hybrid cloud would be the perfect solution where legacy systems and cloud applications are concerned.

Cost Management of AWS Migration

Most companies don’t pay much attention to the costs of AWS migration. They fail to establish a clear perspective of what their expenses were before and after the migration. As a result, they fail to scrutinize if the migration was economically beneficial for them.


Layout a cost plan before your migration and track it before and after the migration. Get a clear perspective on how the AWS migration will help your organization save and how much it will cost. Moreover, you can make use of an AWS calculator to plan an accurate budget.

How Can a Cloud Computing Consultant Help?

AWS migration might not seem difficult, but it can cause numerous challenges. You might be able to tackle some of them, but some might get you stuck in a loop. Don’t let these challenges stop your organization and business from achieving efficiency. Instead, hire a cloud computing consultant.

Continuum Innovations is one of the few AWS consulting partners that specializes in AWS migration across diverse industries. Furthermore, we offer AWS managed cloud service, AWS analytics service, Data Lake designing services, and more.

Reach out to us or contact us for more information.