About FATYH Company
Fitness At Your Home is an application created for fitness freaks who needs right guidance in their fitness journey. It provides detailed information about home-based workouts with basic equipments, Gym work outs and even about the diet plans. They strategize unique exercises and workouts from day 1 to day 18 without repetition.
The Challenge
The Fitness At Your Home was initially developed to cater to a small number of users and was hosted on their own server.
With days, their business grew and number of users had increased. Their application encountered challenges in scalability, availability and additional costs for networking equipments. At this stage, they needed a solution which is simple, scalable and cost-effective.
The Solution
We analyzed their pain points and realized cloud migration could be the perfect solution for them. Cloud migration is the technical process of moving some or all of the data from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud environment. AWS, Google cloud, Azure are some of the top cloud service providers. Here, in this case, we have chosen AWS as our cloud partner and crafted strategies to move all their application data and documents to the cloud environment.
We ran AWS EC2 with Autoscaling and RDS. EC2 hosts or runs the specific application and RDS store our relational databases required for application to run. Autoscaling is a sub feature in EC2 service which increases with increase in the number of EC2.
Architecture Diagram

AWS Services Used
AWS EC2: AWS Elastic Cloud Compute famously know as AWS EC2. It comes under infrastructure as a service (IaaS) which provides cloud computing platform to run our application in a virtual server.
AWS RDS: AWS RDS is relational database service which is easy to use and setup. Because AWS RDS is a managed service, Amazon manages the most recent updates and security patching updates. It is also the most cost-effective way to use relation databases in the application.
AWS EC2 Autoscaling: Through AWS auto-scaling, multiple services across multiple applications can be set up for scaling within minutes. An organization need not set alarms, and scaling actions need not be periodically fed into the system for different resources and services.
AWS VPC: Amazon VPC helps to create an isolated network where we can launch our resources and keep them secured using allow and deny permissions in access control list (ACL) of the network.
The Impact
Fitness at your home has stopped worrying about their infrastructure and started to focus more on application development as their application is now running in AWS cloud. Scalability is unrestricted because it is possible to do so with just one click and at a reasonable cost. More consumers could be served via Fitness at Your Home without the application falling down.