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Clash of the Titans: Comparing Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services

Cloud services have altered almost every business and company with their extensive services. Over the years, many famous companies have introduced their cloud services, but two seem to be in neck-to-neck competition. Yes, we’re talking about the big shots; Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.

Across the globe, millions of people use both these company’s cloud services. However, deciding which one’s better is out of the question and nearly possible. But what we can do is compare them.


Companies or businesses migrating to cloud services usually consider one significant factor; storage. The sole purpose for cloud migration is because of storage capacity. Data storage works differently for different data types. Both AWS and Azure offer a variety of data storage for diverse data types.

They both provide outstanding enduring storage capacities for companies to secure their data. AWS and Azure have Simple storage services (S3) and Blog storage, respectively, for object storage and allow functionalities such as batch import, REST API access, and server-side data encryption.

AWS and Azure cloud storage services fully support NoSQL databases, Big Data, and relational databases.

Networking and Content Delivery

Networking and content delivery is essential to ensure a satisfactory customer experience. Data needs to be available to the end users. If a cloud content delivery network connects data centers, it can help reduce the server and users’ distance. Amazon and Azure have their networks known as Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Virtual Networks, correspondingly.

Both of these networks allow their users to develop networks in the cloud itself. Furthermore, you can create route tables, network gateways, subnets, and private IP address ranges.

Azure uses a VPN gateway whereas AWS uses an API gateway for connectivity. Moreover, Amazon and Azure provide various solutions to their clients for extending upscaling their on-premise data centers to hybrid or public cloud.


Data plays an integral role in every company and business. Safeguarding this data remains a top priority. Over the past few years, we’ve seen disastrous data breaches and data leaks of top-notch companies making the risk of data breaches prevalent. Therefore, migrating to cloud services can make people fear the risks of data breaches, losses, etc.

Fortunately, AWS and Azure ensure their cloud infrastructure is protected through their role-based access control (RBAC). Azure and Amazon ensure RBAC through Active Directory and Access Management (IAM).

Get In Touch With a Cloud Computing Consultant

Every business and company has different needs and requirements. In such circumstances, choosing a cloud service provider can be confusing since various factors need to be considered. Therefore, it’s significant to get professional help from a Cloud Computing Consultant.

At Continuum Innovations, we offer cloud services consulting to help companies pick a suitable cloud service. Moreover, we offer AWS-managed cloud service, AWS analytics service, Data Lake designing services, and more.

Reach out to us or contact us for more information.