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Data Center Migration: Process, Strategy, and Benefits

Data center migration is the process of moving large amounts of existing data from one storage space to another, without actually losing any of the data. Currently, when we talk about data center migration, we refer to the transition from existing physical data centers to cloud storage services. The whole process of moving data isn’t a physical move, rather, it’s a transfer of digital information. Today, we take a look at data center to cloud migration and how to effectively go about it.

Data Center Migration: Process

The process for data migration can be quite convoluted for non-technical personnel. However, in simple enough terms there are a few things that must be planned for before moving ahead. These include:

· Assessing the current data center, what it stores, and its requirements for migrations.

· Creating a strategy for the migration

· Choosing which cloud service to move towards

· Final planning for all the steps that need to be followed

· Beginning migration process and moving data to a cloud storage service

· Verification of migration where files and data are checked to ensure no loss has occurred

Data Center Migration: Strategy

To have a successful transfer of data, you must have a strategy for migration. The strategy details can differ from one company to another. However, some constants have to be planned for before you can go ahead with the migration.

Firstly, you need a goal for why you’re transferring the data. Simply moving storage isn’t a good enough plan. Make sure you plan on benefiting from the upgrades and services. Secondly, make a holistic budget for the migration. Many people underestimate the costs of the migration and end up going over budget, so make sure you have the costs carefully planned out. Finally, make sure you have people who know what they’re doing before the migration begins. Have the right equipment and infrastructure ready for the migration before beginning.

Data Center Migration: Benefits

Changing from an on-site data center to a cloud service offers several different benefits. First of all, it improves the efficiency at which companies can access and work with their data. Secondly, It increases the security of these files, and helps creates levels of access amongst employees. Finally, it also cuts the cost of operating a data center, which in itself is an insanely large cost.

If you wish to avail cloud migration services to help get your data center moved to cloud storage, then consider reaching out to our team at Continuum Innovations. We offer complete managed cloud services in Princeton, along with AWS cloud migration services to help make your move to cloud a simple one. Contact us to get started.