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Doing Cloud Migration Right—3 Tips to Follow

Businesses today are embracing the cloud like never before. It’s definitely the innovation that can help transform businesses and give them the edge that they need in today’s competitive and challenging industry.

But while the migration is exciting, it can just as easily go wrong. With a technology that’s still relatively new, it’s crucial to have an experienced tech partner to guide you and follow these tips from cloud experts.

Tip No. 1: Assess All Kinds of Risks

Risk management is key for successful cloud migration. When designing a cloud strategy, it’s crucial to keep certain cloud-related risks at the forefront of your planning. These risks need to be deeply assessed and weighed against the potential benefits to make a sound decision.

Certain cloud-associated risks to keep in mind are security and compliance risks, agility risks, availability risks, and supplier risks. It’s important to include exit strategies in the very beginning as they make the cloud strategy more balanced.

Tip No. 2: Watch Out for Higher and Unpredictable Operating Costs

Before you even begin to migrate your data to the cloud, you need to have a resource allocation plan. While you might initially feel that the cloud is a more cost-friendly option, it’s not always the case. It really comes down to your organization’s workload and other specifics as well as the cloud service you opt for.

For instance, you may not plan on it, but the new servers that are so easily set up will hike up the costs. So can every malformed query on a consumption-based plan. So, make sure you invest in professional cloud migration services that will explain all of these unexpected costs that can pop up.

Tip No. 3: Make Sure You’re Backed by Reliable Technical Support

It’s very important to remember that migrating the data is not the end of your cloud journey. There is constant cloud management that is required to keep the operations running smoothly. This is because there are too many variables such as authentication, compatibility, security, incorporating third-party software. These need constant monitoring and maintenance.

If your in-house team can manage the technical aspect efficiently, there’s nothing better. But if not, make sure to ask your cloud provider for their expert services or outsource the technical support to a third party.

If you’re ready to migrate, get in touch with our experts at Continuum Innovations Inc. We are AWS Cloud consultants and offer cloud migration services in Princeton.

Get in touch with us at +1 540 999 8758 to learn more about our cloud services.