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Preparing to Adopt the Cloud: 4 Steps to Follow

As cloud services become more commonly used, and become the more obvious choice, many companies are now preparing to transition to cloud. Giving up old on-site data centers is bound to help save costs and increase work efficiency, but how should you be going about making the switch? We break it down into 4 easy steps.

1st Step: Assessment

The first step just requires you to gather information about the move. The assessment phase requires you to identify the benefits for you to make the change, understand how moving to cloud will help your business and improve your business activities, find other success stories, and find a vendor who can help you make the switch.

2nd Step: Planning

The planning phase requires you to prepare for the actual migration. Considerations in this phase will include planning a budget for the migration, identifying which data sets need to be migrated first and in what order to ensure business operations aren’t disrupted, choosing the type of cloud service you require, and planning for how you should be benefiting from the move being made.

3rd Step: Adopting Cloud

The adoption phase is generally straightforward. It relies heavily on the planning phase and may require you to go back and forth between this phase and the previous. However, in essence, this phase is the actual migration, where your strategies of moving data are implemented to transfer the data.

4th Step: Optimization Business Practices

Once the migration has been completed, your next step is to plan how you want to move your business processes towards the cloud. With AWS cloud services, you receive more than just data storage and computing. The new tools and services offered by cloud need to be added to your business practices.

A good step would be to adopt tools like DevOps for software or application development. Cloud services offer numerous automation tools that can help you work faster and easier. If you think you want to make the switch towards a cloud service like Amazon Web Services (or AWS), then get in touch with us at Continuum Innovations. We offer all sorts of cloud migration and AWS Consulting services in Princeton and can help your company make the move to cloud with ease. Contact our team to get started on the process.