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What is a Data Lake, and Why Does it Matter?

Data lakes, a newer version of data warehouses, have transformed the big data industry. Organizations that spent millions of dollars on building sophisticated data warehouses are now more inclined toward data lake design services. So, what exactly is a data lake, and why are businesses looking forward to investing in it? Let’s find out. 

What is a Data Lake? 

A data lake is a repository or storage that hosts tons and tons of unstructured data. From IoT to mobile applications, images, documents, and raw data, a data lake has everything on the face of the earth. Businesses have reported nine percent organic growth on the back of data lakes. 

Unfiltered, unstructured, and easily changeable, data lakes are a source of an unimaginable number of resourceful insights. Businesses looking to grow and accelerate their pace are deeply interested in data lakes. 

How is It Different from Data Warehouse? 

 Data lakes are sometimes confused with data warehouses and used interchangeably. While both are cloud solutions for storage, there are many differences between the two repositories. 

  1. Data lakes are unstructured, whereas the data warehouse is structured 
  1. Data lakes are readable by data experts, whereas business professionals use the data warehouse 
  1. Retrieving information from data lakes is easier than data warehouses as they may have deleted it during the ETL process. 

Do you really need Data Lake? 

The need for data lake entirely depend upon varies factors like the type of data you are handling, bandwidth of your data, data governance method, etc., Adopting a data lake is entirely your choice but nowadays Data Lake is not only used to store data. It holds prolonged history of data so thus it acts as a wonderful resource for obtaining insights via analytics. You can think of data analytics, if you need any of the following things 

  • Reduced overall cost of ownership 
  • Make data administration simpler 
  • Prepare to use machine learning and artificial intelligence 
  •  Accelerate analytics 
  •  Increased governance and security 

Essential elements of Data Lake 

Data Movement 

All formats of data are collected from multiple resources in the real time and driven into the data lake. You don’t need to convert the obtained data into any of the standard format. You are allowed to store data as it as. Thus, considerable amount of time will be saved. 

Data Storage 

It lets you to store operational databases as well as non-relational data base. One can categorize and index the data in the data lake.  


There is no need for any other analytics framework when you have access with data lakes. Depending upon the need of your organization, any one like data scientist, business analyst, can operate analytics and obtain insights 

Machine Learning 

Machine learning helps you with generating highly optimized insights for your business prospects. 

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Why Do Data Lakes Matter? 

 Here’s why data lakes matter for businesses looking to transform their practices and customer experiences: 

Rich, Insightful Resource 

Unlike data warehouse ETL, a data lake does not filter out any information. In fact, every piece of data directly goes into the lake from the source. This makes data lakes a very resourceful, insightful, and rich pool of information. 

Affordable Cloud Solution 

Data warehouses require infrastructure and support that may not be financially viable for businesses. However, building a data lake on a public cloud service is doable for businesses of all sizes. All you need is a cloud platform, sources to procure data, and you have a data lake ready to use. 

The True Power of Data 

Because data lakes have data in all formats, sizes, and of varying nature, it’s easier to harness the power of data through a data lake. 

improved relationships with customers 

In order to help the company, identify the most profitable customer cohort, the reason for customer churn, and the promotions or rewards that will boost loyalty, a data lake can combine customer data from a CRM platform with social media analytics, a marketing platform that includes buying history, and incident tickets. 

Boost R&D innovation options 

Your R&D teams can use a data lake to test hypotheses, clarify assumptions, and evaluate the results. For example, choosing the right materials for product design can result in faster performance, conducting genomic research can result in more effective medications, and understanding customer willingness to pay for various attributes can help your teams better understand how to price their products. 

Boost operational effectiveness 

With real-time data coming from internet-connected devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) introduces more methods for gathering data on operations like manufacturing. In order to find ways to save operational costs and improve quality, it is simple to store and run analytics on IoT data provided by machines. 

Who We Are ? 

Continuuminnovations, the professional cloud managed service providers offer end-to-end cloud solutions from start-ups to enterprises. Our skilled cloud engineers strive hard to derive strategies that suits the best for your business. We provide optimal solutions from start-ups to enterprises and love to work with all industrial sectors. We take care of everything from developing personalized cloud solutions to managing workload migrations. we assist users to reduce security risks and ensure that the firm doesn’t fall victim to modern cloud security problems. From managing multi-cloud environments to ensuring compliance, we take care of it all. 

We keep on updating ourselves with the new emerging technologies to deliver the best to our clients. We are the Doers team with strong business ethics! 

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