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Why Cloud Computing is Vulnerable to Data Leaks and How You Can Shore up Your Defenses

Cloud computing has allowed organizations and businesses to improve their management by offering a convenient, cost-effective platform to manage multiple systems on one platform. People often assume migrating to cloud services will automatically protect their data on that third-party platform.

Unfortunately, that’s not what happens. Cloud computing can still be vulnerable to data losses, breaches, and leaks. This might occur because of either the company or the cloud services itself. The most famous tech companies have faced devastating cloud security breaches—from Yahoo to Alibaba to LinkedIn.

However, don’t fear; we’ve got your backs. Before we jump to the solution to these data leaks, we need to take a look at why cloud computing is vulnerable to these data leaks.

What Are Data Leaks?

Data leaks are when confidential information and data of an organization or company are exposed on the cloud. We all know that the cloud is an online platform and part of the internet. The cloud makes information exchange easier between and within organizations. Data leaks can occur due to a mistake by organizations, their employees, or an external party.

Why Are Cloud Computing Vulnerable to Data Leaks?

One of the advantages of cloud computing is that they offer an accessible platform for all systems. Cloud computing does have a variety of access levels and can’t be accessible to anyone easily. The cloud is an online platform, and all devices can access it.

When sensitive information and data is exchanged on different devices such as phones, laptops, desktops, etc., confidential information is at risk. Usually, our devices accept permissions from various applications that allow our device’s information to be exposed to those applications—as a result, allowing external sources and hackers to tap into cloud information.

Furthermore, hackers or external sources can access this data through the employ of an organization too. Here’s how you can shore up your defenses.

Encrypt Data

Data encryption is essential! Every company needs to strengthen its encryption methods to avoid the risks of data leaks. Encrypting data will allow people to read and access the data only if they have an encryption key. Furthermore, encrypt all of your data across your cloud.

Be careful of wifi networks. Those free wifi networks can cost you a lot. Don’t use a connection that’s not secure and encrypted when accessing crucial data.

Assign Permissions

Most cloud services allow you to assign and set up permissions to secure your data. Setting permissions will control people’s data access and ensure only authorized people can access the data.

Hire a Cloud Computing Consultant

Cloud computing consultants are familiar with every aspect of the cloud, from the services to the security; they cover it all. Data leaks can be harmful and detrimental for your company and business. Protect your data with the help of a cloud computing consultant.

Continuum Innovations is one of the few AWS consulting partners that specialize in AWS migration. We ensure our clients avail the benefits cloud services offer without the risks it brings. Furthermore, we offer AWS managed cloud service, AWS analytics service, Data Lake designing services, and many more services.

Reach out to us or contact us for more information.