cloud trends 2022

Top Cloud Trends 2022

Trends come and go in all kinds of industries but in cloud technology trends are analyzed and utilized by businesses all over the globe. Thus, it is a billion-dollar business. The cloud has evolved and attained marvelous growth in terms of market value as well as in its functionalities. In this article let’s have a look at the cloud trends for 2022. 

Cloud Trends – 2022 

Organizations go cloud native 

Organizations will migrate to clouds more than ever in history. As the Pandemic taught more to life and organizing business. Over 60% of businesses use managed cloud service providers for cloud management. It’s a known truth that cloud technology significantly cuts down the additional charges and helps out in streamlined the business. It is expected that more cloud migration will occur in the year 2022.  

Adoption of More hybrid and multi clouds 

Hybrid and multi cloud environments provide more streamlined and sophisticated features and its pricing model is lower than the private cloud. In the upcoming year many businesses will choose hybrid or multi cloud for its great flexibility. Statistics stated that 75% of enterprises adopt hybrid and multi cloud environment and so no doubt with its increased adoption in the future itself. 

Edge Computing & Cloud native apps 

Edge computing and Cloud-Native Apps We may claim that cloud-native apps have advanced to the next level of development as companies continue to create cloud-based apps to meet their various needs. The use of cloud-native apps is rising as a result of the modernization of applications through containerization and DevOps technologies. Businesses should be able to develop more cloud-native edge applications thanks to the increase in cloud adoption, which will increase portability and agility. Cloud-native edge apps can also assist businesses in focusing on a number of important business development barriers, such as obstacles, expectations, maturity, and possibilities. 

Kubernates and Blockchain 

A tamper-proof digital ledger that can record data without depending on centralized authority is provided by blockchain technology. Blockchain is revolutionary, but it also struggles with scaling, especially when it comes to managing and storing large amounts of data. 

 A blockchain environment can be scaled quickly with the aid of Kubernetes (K8s), an open-source technology for automating deployments and scaling programs. With several containers running for a single important service, K8s also offer high availability. 

 Businesses will continue to push the boundaries of how well blockchain and K8s work in 2022. As teams work to address the complexity and integration issues surrounding blockchain, deploying blockchains and their components via cloud-native Kubernetes clusters may soon become the norm. 

Serverless Computing 

In essence, serverless computing is a cloud architecture in which the cloud operator manages the underlying infrastructure and allots compute resources in accordance with the user’s needs rather than the customer having to deal with server provisioning and infrastructure management. 

Evolution of AR & ML 

The development of AI, ML, and automation has been greatly aided by cloud computing. The upfront project costs linked to AI and automation can also be reduced by using cloud computing. Additionally, it encourages businesses to acquire, execute, and grow automation services by assisting organizations in making effective, data-driven decisions. All of this contributes to improved data management, insights, security, and scale. 

Additionally, for a fraction of the cost, cloud computing enables companies to fulfil the enormous processing and data storage needs of automation, machine learning, and AI. Due to their ability to supply low latency, services-on-demand, as well as greater data handling skills and processing power, cloud capabilities are also important driving factors in the adoption of AI and automation. 

More concern with cloud security 

The main barriers to cloud adoption continue to be worries about compliance, privacy, and integration issues. Cloud service companies are responding by introducing enhanced security features. 

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE): SASE gives consumers the ability to stably manage and regulate access across end-user devices, on-premise IT, and cloud apps. 

Cloud-based disaster recovery (DR): A business can use cloud disaster recovery to back up data and create a standby IT environment that can take over if the primary infrastructure fails. 

In 2022, gaining sight over several clouds will likewise be of utmost importance. To avoid gaps that could result in regulatory violations or cyberattacks, business executives desire transparency across all IT infrastructures. 

 Additionally, more businesses are likely to choose cloud security access brokers and related software. As cloud platforms become more sophisticated and diverse, several cloud-related tools will become increasingly important. 

Cloud Collaboration 

Other beneficial features for distant workers offered by cloud collaboration platforms include centralized file storage, document version control, and personalized authorization settings. In the upcoming years, the introduction of this procedure will undoubtedly spur innovation and expansion in the commercial and technical infrastructures. 


The above listed are some of the major trends that can be adopted in the year 2022 and technology does not stay within this limit. In the future, may the next year, we might have much more in the future. 

Who We Are? 

We Continuuminnovations, offers professional cloud managed service across a wide range of industries from healthcare to media. We provide personalized solutions entirely based upon the daily you are dealing with and monitor the cloud infrastructure 24/7 and trouble shoot instantly.  

Some of our popular services  


Cloud Trends 2021